The image is of a woman standing on the shore with arms spread up to the heavens and basking in the glory of life.

Warning… Rated: PG (Parental Guidance) – This book contains adult content that may not be suitable for children under 18

Where do you find your answers when the world pulls your life from under your love? How do you repair the hurt you’ve rewound in your mind day after day? How do you let a complete stranger come into your life and teach you when you’re not ready to become the student?
Ask Rebecca Welling. 
A traffic accident that took the lives of her husband and kids four years ago (an accident Rebecca feels she should have been in) has continually been replayed throughout her depression. 
When you cry out to the universe, asking for answers, be ready for a reply. Living in a dilapidated house that represents her life, Rebecca inadvertently meets a traveling repair man named Joe. The real question is, was it really inadvertent, or did the universe send a sage in answer to her plea?
As Joe peacefully helps Rebecca repair the house from top to bottom, each new day brings a lesson that is sometimes too painful to confront, yet when asked or viewed from another angle of thought, the answers are surprisingly simple and true. Understanding how she has been her own Judas, sabotaging herself many times throughout her life,  Rebecca begins the process of learning how she makes decisions and begins to complete the reclaiming of her life while hiking from Manhattan Beach to Monterey Bay, on the California coastal trail.


Who will be my Judas? -- "I do all my reading while in the tub relaxing. After a while my husband asked if I was ever coming out. I couldn't stop reading this book." .
Sue Oneil
Torrance, Ca.
Jeff Scott's "Who Will Be My Judas?" is all about Universal Truth presented through the art of storytelling. Although I rarely read fiction, this book grabbed my interest from the start. I was unable to put it down until I had read it cover to cover. It is authentic, touching and so rich with wisdom that my eyes overflowed with tears at least twice. Joe is the sage who comes into Rebecca Welling's tragic life and shows her how she creates and sabotages her own happiness. Living in the form of the ego through our mind and actions, we must diminish its power over us in order to experience deep and lasting bliss. This is a beautifully written story! I can't recommend it highly enough!
Chandi Devi
Author of From Om to Orgasm
I recently got a copy of this book and I could not stop reading it from cover to cover, a true gem of a book and Jeff Scott is a master story teller. It is full of surprises and a revealing perspective as well. I didn't know what to expect but was refreshed to find spiritual lessons and a tale about healing and overcoming life's difficulties. There is a deep connection between strangers, friends and a longing in a surprise relationship that develops. A true story of triumph and spirit that is entertaining and enlightening to read, I highly recommend it.
5 out of 5 stars! I didn't know what to expect from a "self-help" book... but once I started reading I couldn't put it down! The storyline brings adventure, excitement and imagination... I often found myself asking "what if"....which is what good story telling is all about.... I fully recommend this book...
Keith Chandler
X-ray Tech