
Hello… in case we’ve never met,

I’m Jeff Scott

(AKA Authorjeffscott on platforms: IG, FB, Li)

In a world where social media is often used to create unbelievable facades, I would like you to know that I’m not one to cover up my past or present, my strengths or faults. Many of my life’s biggest errors and incredible resolves have found their way into my writing. I’ve lived quite the eventful life… and when I say “eventful”… I truly do mean it. I came up in a single-parent household with one sibling, and little to no supervision. I found myself in trouble many times over and learned many harsh lessons along the way. 

Image of Author Jeff Scott

Unfortunately, there are people in our world who grew up the same way;  experiencing some pretty harsh realities that no child should ever have to endure. So, because of past experience… I don’t pull any punches in my writing.

Life can change for the better, if you want it to…

In my early 30s, I found the path to integrity, and even better, introspection. I began to walk with intent to become a new human being with an incredibly strong perception and understanding of life that many degree’d psychologists would envy. I am here to offer assistance for various human conditions, through my storytelling 

The Self-Help Guru Who Won’t Tell You What To Do

When I write in the form of self-help fiction… anecdote through story, not lecture… it’s because I understand there are people who don’t want to divulge their personal issues to anyone. They would prefer to go solo through a hardship, or figure a way to solve their own problems. So, in essence, the stories are for those who are solo sleuths searching for personal solutions. When one reads how a character handles a personal issue, then, in turn, it allows them to consider the same anecdote, hence… self-help fiction.

The main reason the majority of my writing is in fiction, is because it has been proven that people will remember a joke or story over a lecture any day of the week. If I can help someone, kids or adults, figure things out while entertaining them through story, then I’ve done my job.

Do I only write self-help fiction?


For roughly 13 years, I was a ghostwriter for business professionals, and have done some copywriting and website design for small businesses. Aside from self-help fiction, I manage to find time to write fictional stories for pure entertainment purposes. I will be releasing books in Sci-fi, a murder mystery, and even espionage.

On another note… sometimes, I find during the building of the characters in my stories, I have to stop and examine in depth, what is being said or written. These moments are special because sometimes the questions go deep and they actually make me continue to challenge previous thoughts. I truly believe that the readers of my books will come to personally realize the vastness of their own capabilities… (When you meet Loti from a forthcoming book, you’ll know what I mean)

And lastly, to mention… 

I’m here to help in any way I can.

Do you know about my affiliate offer? I am a huge fan of animals and helping people, so if you or someone you know has an animal rescue, or a reputable charity, you/they can become an affiliate of authorjeffscott.com. As an affiliate, a percentage of each eBook sale goes to the affiliate to help their particular charity… pets or people in need.  

Want to follow along and perhaps learn some cool stuff? I have a newsletter in the works. Click here and sign up for a notification when these happen.  And just an FYI… The newsletter will only happen 1x per month… so you won’t be bombarded with salesy pitches and such. (Coming March 2024)

Oh… and in case you only read in paperback versions of books, I’m sorry to say that I won’t offer books in that format. In the 21st century, it is too costly to print. Readers get the same exact story when they read digitally as they do in paperback and I’m a big fan of minimalism. Yes… it can be impressive to showcase a bookshelf of the works one has read, but who is really the “impressed?” Ahhhh… another question for the introspective. 

In all seriousness, thanks for stopping by and getting to know a little more of me – Jeff Scott