
At the moment, a few reviews have been added below each synopsis page . 

If you want to leave a review, please write it out and send it to Jeff via the contact page here. Thank you.

That’s a tough question, but just know that Author Jeff Scott only offers his books/stories here at the authorjeffscott.com site and his stories are only offered in eBook/ePub format. If you see his books available on any other platform, or in paperback, then they are bootleg copies and should be reported via our contact page here. There are also images of Author Jeff Scott on this site and in the back of each book he has written. If you believe you received a bootleg copy, please let us know.

We request that you DO NOT share and would appreciate you directing any friends to this site. When an eBook is downloaded via this site, we are sure it is a clean copy and not corrupted in any way. Also note… any eBooks by Author Jeff Scott will only be available through this site. 

Due to the extremely high volume of books available on other platforms, many authors get lost in the shuffle and their books are never read. 

 Plus… Amazon and others don’t play fair… Jeff would never get to know who his readers truly are because these platforms don’t share readers names or contact info. By retaining email addresses, Author Jeff Scott can offer readers who have enjoyed his stories, immediate access to a part 2 or 3 of a story… sometimes for free in the form of reader feedback.

We do everything we can to not have any information on our site that can be hacked and used. We rely on our visitors/subscribers to check any email requests from anyone claiming to be from Authorjeffscott.com for spelling and oddities such as this example…  authorjeffscott.freebooks.com (This would not be from Authorjeffscott.com)

All correspondence from authorjeffscott will have the appropriate ending such as… Authorjeffscott.com. (Nothing after the @ symbol or the .com)

All correspodence should look like this: Jeff@authorjeffscott.com

At present time, March 2024, there are no Gofundme or Patreon pages where Author Jeff Scott is asking for handouts or money from anyone. If you see or are asked to fund/donate to such a page, please notify us immediately. If and when there is a page for donations, we will notify our followers/readers only through approved AuthorJeffScott social media

If you don’t see your question listed, then by all means… ask it via the contact page here.