This image depicts the covers of the Becoming the King series 1 & 2.
Now bundled as a two book set, Becoming the King/ Where’s my Father? and Becoming the King/Charlie and the Ooters (Out of Towners), delivers twice the impact on young boys and girls trying to find their way. 
BTK 1 is intended for the single parent boy or girl who may have questions on their mind, but have yet to divulge those private thoughts to their parent because, in reality, single parents are often overwhelmed with just trying to make ends meet. 
In author Jeff Scott’s case, his mother worked 2-3 jobs and had precious little time to be concerned about him falling behind. It’s not that his mother didn’t care, it was that she had little time between jobs; working to keep a roof over their heads. It happens! 
BTK 2 is when life goes south for young boys and girls and they are moved from the comfort of knowing everyone to knowing no one. Regardless of moving to a new school system or not, kids get lost and sometimes confused when they leave junior high and begin their final journey toward being an adult. 
It’s imperative children walk into adulthood with confidence. There are many lessons they can learn by watching Charlie as he regains his posture… his voice and actions while learning to be a leader.  
When BTK 1 & 2 are read consecutively, the reader will walk away knowing how to find the answers to questions and handle any forthcoming issue.